Stone & Gerken P.A.

Created At Spry
Client Stone & Girken
Art Direction John Oates
Printer Matt Gallant
Design Alexander Giraldez
Stone & Gerken P.A.
Stone & Gerken P.A.
Wow, that's actually kinda deep. Myself spreaking to Kwok about typeography selection
Stone & Gerken P.A.
For This Project

With a quick turnaround and limited assets, the goal was to convey the professional bespoke culture at Stone & Gerkin. The typography plays a big role. Great attention went into pairing the type and building a strong hexarchy to be informative and beautiful. It was fun to adapt a print feel for web.

Stone & Gerken P.A.
Stone & Gerken P.A.

Responsive layout

All In All

This was a very exciting project stemming from a receptive client. I refined my kerning and leading skills while learning the importance of keeping accurate typerendering in Photoshop. I still use a type test psd that was created for this project to help pair type.